The LACRA invitational golf tournament is one of the largest commercial real estate industry golf events, and offers a wide range of involvement opportunities. The tournament is always an overwhelming success, providing the commercial real estate community participants with a first rate day of golf and networking, as well as supporting LACRA’s operating expenses. Participants can golf, sponsor, volunteer, and/or attend the 19th Hole Cocktail and Awards Reception. Because of its popularity, we reserve two 18-hole courses, and entertain 300 guests at this all-day event.
Check out the LACRA 2024 Golf Tournament Photos Here!
Watch the LACRA 2024 Golf Tournament Video Here!
The foursome package includes a tee sign, listing in promotional materials, greens fees, golf carts, breakfast, lunch, beverages and cocktails during the day, 19th Hole Cocktail and Awards Reception following play, golf shirts, cigars and gift bags for four players. Foursomes can choose to play either in scramble format or traditional two best ball format. Those playing in scramble format may field five-man teams for the cost of an additional player.
Players also have access to the Driving Range, and can compete in the Putting Contest or Ego Drive long drive contest prior to the shotgun start. On the course, players have even more fun betting at the Monte Carlo Hole or wagering whether or not they can Beat-The-Pro on the featured game holes. Hole in One contests are featured on four holes on each course, with fabulous prize packages on each hole ranging from sets of clubs to airplane tickets. Both Men's and Women's Longest Drive contests are offered on each course, as well as Closest-to-the-Pin contests.
The day of golf ends with a full premium bar cocktail reception at St. Andrews Station overlooking the golf course and the San Gabriel Valley, as prizes are awarded to first and second place Scramble and Best Ball format golfers! Prizes are awarded as well to longest drive, closest to the pin, and other contest winners. The awards presentation is interspersed with fabulous raffle prizes awarded to lucky winners!
Additional sponsorships are an excellent way to promote your company, as we market to more than 2000 targeted professionals, and expect 300 industry professionals to attend. The sooner one commits to sponsor the better, as committed sponsors are acknowledged verbally at all LACRA events prior to and following the tournament. Top sponsors are listed on the event invitation and promotional material, and in the Welcome Packet that is distributed at check-in to all golfers. Top sponsors receive a sign at the event acknowledging their sponsorship, are acknowledged verbally from the podium at the Awards Dinner, and receive complimentary tickets to the evening festivities (number of tickets ranges depending on sponsorship level).
If that is not in your budget, tee sign sponsorships are just $500, and will represent your company to all players playing on one course; two tee signs for $1,000 would place a tee sign on each course and would market your company to all participants!
We also accept promotional items to put in the player gift bags (300 count required).
Because of its sell-out potential, priority is given to sponsors of the previous year. Sponsorships that were not taken in the previous year are available now, or you can be placed on a waiting list for all others.
From arrival to departure, there is an opportunity to network with 300 industry professionals, but for those who can't make the day of golf, they may purchase a separate ticket to attend just the 19 Hole Cocktail Reception and Awards Dinner.
Many volunteers are needed to help organize and facilitate the tournament; sponsors are given first priority placement if they choose to volunteer.
It's never too soon to indicate your intent to participate! Contact the LACRA office for all available sponsorship and volunteer opportunities.